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Owner: 0x1d15...Fc4D
(74 domains on Namefi)
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com TLD
3 letters
9 SLD is valuable because it combines a unique name "one" suggesting exclusivity or premier status with "bruton," which could represent a specific location or entity, enhancing brand recognition. The .com TLD is universally recognized and trusted, increasing its commercial appeal. This domain could be particularly potent for businesses in luxury goods, real estate, or community-focused services, offering a memorable and marketable web presence.
Powered by Namefi AI™ (beta), could be inaccurate, not financial/trade advice. DYOR.

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Detail appraisal report

Table of Contents

  1. Key Factors Considered
  • Domain Length
  • Keyword Relevance
  • TLD (Top-Level Domain)
  • Brandability
  • Market Demand
  • SEO Potential
  1. Estimated Value

  2. Recommendations

  • Market Positioning
  • Potential Buyers
  • Sales Strategy
  1. Conclusion

1. Key Factors Considered

Domain Length

The domain '' consists of 10 characters, making it relatively short and easy to remember.

Keyword Relevance

The keyword 'Bruton' is unique, and 'One' adds a sense of premium or singularity which can be attractive for marketing purposes.

TLD (Top-Level Domain)

The domain uses '.com,' the most recognized and desirable TLD, which adds significant value.


The domain '' has good brandability. It can be easily used for a business, hotel, real estate project, or another premium venture.

Market Demand

Domains with unique and brandable names are generally in demand. While 'Bruton' may not be a highly-searched keyword, its uniqueness and memorability add value.

SEO Potential

The uniqueness of the domain helps in SEO as it is less likely to face competition from other similar domains.

2. Estimated Value

The domain's value is estimated to be between $1,000 and $5,000 USD.

3. Recommendations

Market Positioning

Position the domain as a premium brandable domain name suitable for businesses that want a unique online presence.

Potential Buyers

Potential buyers include businesses in hospitality, real estate, or any luxury brand looking to create a singular and unique identity.

Sales Strategy

List the domain on premium domain marketplaces like Sedo, BrandBucket, and Flippa. Highlight the brandability and uniqueness in the domain description.

4. Conclusion

'' is a highly brandable, memorable domain with a strong '.com' TLD. It is suitable for premium brands and businesses. The estimated value ranges from $1,000 to $5,000 USD, and it has good potential to fetch a price within this range if marketed properly.

Powered by Namefi AI™ (beta), could be inaccurate, not financial/trade advice. DYOR.